June is Going to be Exciting – Here’s Why!
Spring has officially sprung here in Georgia, and I love nothing more than a Georgia Spring! Everything is so green and lush and it just makes me H A P P Y!! We do a lot of dinners outside in the Spring, so this past weekend, Ken got some new camera equipment he wanted to test out so we made these silly videos … I thought they were just practice … but he was able to use them to put together some fun announcements for you.
For one, we are headed to New York at the beginning of June to see Jimmy Fallon!!!! For years I have said that I wanted to go and see him for my 40th birthday. So we are taking a late birthday trip up there to see the show – I can hardly wait and might burst with excitement in the meantime. He probably won’t even know we are there, but I can always pretend, right? Best friends. I’m pretty sure he wants to be best friends. We want to give mad props to our girl Catti, from our production company for working her tail off to get these tickets for us. She has worked so hard to make this girls dream come true. We thank you SO SO much sweet Catti!!
Finally, ‘Flip or Flop Atlanta’ is going to air in June! Couldn’t be happier to have this air in the summer. So get your popcorn and sweet tea ready … we are coming to your house on Thursday nights!