Simple Ways to Streamline Your Closet

Does your closet currently overwhelm you? It may be time for a closet overhaul. Here are some great tips to get your closet in shape!

With the seasons changing now is a great time to cleanse, especially if you are about to list your home. Organization MATTERS it tells potential buyers that you have plenty of space for storage. Sort through all your clothes to weed out impulsive buys or things you have not worn in the last year. We all have those sale items we could not resist but now they just sit in the closet with tags still attached. Donate those unwanted items. A few questions to ask yourself if you are having trouble letting go are:

Do I wear this often enough to take up valuable space in my closet?

Do I own other pieces like this?

Does this still fit?

Do I feel confident when I wear this?

Must haves:

Now that the hard part is over and you have cut ties with nonessential items, it’s time to build the perfect wardrobe from items you most likely already own. Items that are lucrative include:

 Plain white t-shirt

 Button up shirt

 Jeans (light and dark wash)

 Black pants

 Khakis

 Dress pants

 Sweater

 Sweatshirt

 Maxi Dress

 Flowing skirt

 Little black dress

Having the basics in different colors gives you the option to mix and match different pieces to create a whole new look!

Switch it up

For some, having one wardrobe for every season is nearly impossible. Try switching out your clothing with the coming seasons. This makes it easier when trying to plan an outfit, so you are not looking through sweaters in the middle of July or for shorts in February.

Wear the rainbow

Another easy tip to make your closet easier to navigate is to organize your clothing by color. This system is easy for times when you know you are looking for a certain color. So, when you are pressed for time you can grab what you need rather than fumbling through hangers.

Everyone’s closet is a form of their self-expression and keeping it well-maintained can help you present yourself the way you want to! Plus, it will give buyers a sense that if you maintain your closet you maintain your home. They will trust that your home has been cared for and will not be a problem for them in the future.

As always, I am here to make sure that “Every step of the way is closer to home”

-Compliments of Elizabeth Marcelline and Start Healthy Magazine-

Elizabeth Marcelline

678-536-3833 (678) 679-1175

Georgia State Alum with a background in Commercial Contracting and currently ranks in top 10% as producer at Red Barn