Finding Unexpected JOY! 

So, this year may seem gloomy with the Holidays looking different for many due to COVID-19, but I would like to share a little Christmas Joy. Eight hundred years ago, a celestial occurrence of Saturn and Jupiter aligning caused quite a sight. A Christmas Star! With all the horror of a global pandemic, political unrest, and racial tension, it is a kiss from above to have a once in a lifetime event right on Christmas Day; well at its brightest on December 21st about 45 minutes after sunset.  

If you are like me, you have been trying to figure out how to host safely. I am going to share a few tips and ideas to help you stay healthy and whole this holiday season. Family is everything to me, and community is just as important. It has truly been painful to not host my friends and family as much as I  am used to. It has been equally difficult to balance the differing beliefs and precautions to keep safe and  still live a life as normal as possible.  

Here are a few tips to get you started with some Holiday Joy! 

1. Disinfect your home every few days, and spray commonly used surfaces daily, this includes  mopping floors. So much dirt and germs get tracked into our homes every day. This will help you  keep the nasty at bay.  

2. Beef up your immune system. As I have stated before Vitamin C, Turmeric and Ginger are my “go to” natural immune boosting essentials. Elderberry gummies are also a great choice for the littles. 

3. Introduce soup into your diet. If your family is not obsessed with vegetables like mine, soup is a great way to incorporate various vegetables into your diet to boost your immune system and give you good energy.  

4. Stay small. For the next few weeks limit the people you are around to protect your loved ones.  Maybe even consider having a smaller guest list at Christmas dinner and opting for zoom taboo!

5. Look at the stars and move it outside. This is my favorite option! I opted to splurge a little and get a clear tent for our back deck. It will be heated, and we can safely social distance outside, see the Christmas Star and be together as an extended family.  

I hope no matter the choices you make, you choose joy! Regardless of your family status or Holiday views we could all use some joy to end such an insane year. I have learned so much about myself and the resilience of my clients in 2020. May you always reflect on the good and choose to let go of the bad.  

Happy Holidays, 

Elizabeth Marcelline

Elizabeth Marcelline

678-536-3833 (678) 679-1175

Georgia State Alum with a background in Commercial Contracting and currently ranks in top 10% as producer at Red Barn